About Me

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My name's Adam. I was born in California and, as you can imagine, Texas policies are much different the they are out west. I am not, nor have I ever been interested in politics, I have no political influences. I usually just rely on my father to tell me how to vote. I'm taking this class as a requirement for my major in History. As I stated before, government and politics are not my cup of tea. I do hope, though, to have a better understanding of how government works and perhaps gain an appreciation for it. And according to the political quiz, I'm a Young Outsider.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

VyVy Ha: Homophobia is a Social Disease

    I commented on VyVy Ha's blog because I feel she is right that thinking homosexuality is wrong is no different than when it was socially acceptable to beat your wife.  That kind of ignorance needs to be stomped out at all cost.
    I completely agree with your argument that the government is overstepping its boundaries by denying same gender couples the right to marry. And the type of ignorance and discrimination that is homophobia is unbecoming and, for lack of a better term, just plain wrong in this day and age.  It's time that, not only Texas, nor America, but the world realizes that when it's all said and done, we are all human and the only way to grow as a race is to coexist and accept one another for who we are: gay, straight, white, black, Asian, hispanic, or whatever.

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