About Me

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My name's Adam. I was born in California and, as you can imagine, Texas policies are much different the they are out west. I am not, nor have I ever been interested in politics, I have no political influences. I usually just rely on my father to tell me how to vote. I'm taking this class as a requirement for my major in History. As I stated before, government and politics are not my cup of tea. I do hope, though, to have a better understanding of how government works and perhaps gain an appreciation for it. And according to the political quiz, I'm a Young Outsider.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Those Who Aren't Ready for Change

    I read a blog posted in the DallasNews.com's opinion section entitled "The Disgusting, racist anti-Miles flier going around at Dade Middle School in Dallas".  In the post, the author discusses how the new DISD superintendent, Mike Miles, is receiving rather harsh scrutinies from students and staff alike via hateful fliers deeming him a self hating African-American.  Rudolf Bush, the author of the blog, gives his argument that the slanderous fliers are highly uncalled for. He states that the changes Miles is making are for the best in bettering Dallas schools, "especially in areas of poverty".
    I, for one, have to agree with Bush.  Having been educated in both the Dallas and Arlington school districts in north Texas, I can honestly say that reform is needed and starting with the poverty stricken schools was the right call.  The fact that this was turned into a racial issue means that the real problem is not being addressed, and I feel the parents of the Dallas ISD should read this passage to get their priorities straightened.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Was it good enough?

    On Sept. 18, 2014 the Star-Telegram posted an editorial story entitled "State Board Takes Defiant Stand on National AP Test."  In a nutshell, the author described how the Texas Board of Education opposed the end of term AP test, or advanced placement, because it was "taught with an anti-American bias" and only focused on the worst parts of American history.  Although my views differ from their opinion, I will say their argument was well delivered.
    I'm sure it was meant for the ultra-conservitive Republicans of Texas that we all love, but they gave a rather compelling argument that would sway even the most liberal, bleeding-heart Democrat in the nation.  Of course, the main reason this caught my attention was their disbelief of the lack of resistance from the national government, whom essentially rolled over and let Texas have their way, almost like a severly spoiled child.  But that's none of my business.
    All in all, I feel the article was well written and the author conveyed their message effectivly.