About Me

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My name's Adam. I was born in California and, as you can imagine, Texas policies are much different the they are out west. I am not, nor have I ever been interested in politics, I have no political influences. I usually just rely on my father to tell me how to vote. I'm taking this class as a requirement for my major in History. As I stated before, government and politics are not my cup of tea. I do hope, though, to have a better understanding of how government works and perhaps gain an appreciation for it. And according to the political quiz, I'm a Young Outsider.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Texas' GOP opposition to "Critical Thinking" and its support of corporal punishment

   On July 1, 2012, Megan Malloy, a writer for Mic.com, wrote an article on the Texas Republicans 2012 platform.  In the article, she pointed out the the Texas GOP's education reform which would remove any curriculum that wasn't "American". It also called for the reinstatement of corporal punishment, which is the policy that allows teachers to use physical discipline in the classroom.
   Now, I personally believe that to be two of the most asinine proposals in human history, but that's my opinion. If anyone other than myself or my child's mother were to lay hands on my child, I guarantee that I would be in custody the very next day.  As for the education reform, condoning this would only prove to the rest of the country how close minded Texas has become, and I for one won't stand for it.

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